Essential Tools For Accountants to Effectively Work From Home


Essential Tools For Accountants to Effectively Work From Home

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Today’s business environment is demanding immediate change due to the pandemic crisis and numerous other market situations. On the top, the concept of social distancing is becoming mandatory and forcing businesses to change their traditional methods of work. The change has been already introduced as homes are now turning into offices because employees are being encouraged to work from their homes.

When many businesses are working from home, then how come accounting firms can still work from their office desks. The accounting firms have also implemented work from home policy and made accountants work from the confined environment of their homes. But, to work according to this new system, accountants have to cross some hurdles such as –

  • Poor Communication
  • Mismanagement Work
  • Delay in Work
  • Personal Meetings
  • Work Collaboration and so on

A solution to Smoothly Implement WFH System for Accountants

The accounting organizations that already provide finance and accounting outsourcing services like CapActix have a completely remote working setup already running before the eruption of the pandemic so they are all set to work from home. But, the accounting companies that won’t have an online accounting services system setup, they need to befriend the technology and make their accountants ready to challenge all the hurdles of the WFH setup.

With the utilization of proper technology-powered tools and software,outsourcing for accounting firms becomes super easy. There are plenty of different effective tools available in the market that accountants need to install today to effectively work from home.

Tools for Accountants to Work Remotely

To provide the best online accounting services to clients, accountants have to use the following tools –

Basic Accounting Tools –

Foremost, accountants need to set up remote access or web-based access for all accounting software such as QuickBooks, Xero, Wave Accounting, etc. to effectively complete their work. Most of the accounting systems are already quite tech-savvy so performing high-quality work from home isn’t much hard for the accountants. But, to manage the day to day operations, accountants might need to use some other software as well.

Communication Tools –

When accountants are working in the office, then they can communicate with their subordinates and seniors by merely visiting their desk or cubicle. But, in the work from home set up, accountants can’t personally visit their subordinates or seniors to take their advice on any topic. Thus, it is very important to have proper communication tools in order so that accountants can easily communicate with their team. There are plenty of different communication tools available to help accounts to always stay connected with their colleagues and clients.

Slack is one of the free messaging tools that divide your work between channels and direct messages. Moreover, it can be easily integrated with other software to make communication even simpler. You can also upgrade Slack to get more advanced features to smoothly conduct communication remotely with your team.

Task Management Tools –

Accountants have to manage their workflow properly so that the work can be delivered to clients on time. Remotely working accountants work monitoring and management process needs to be done precisely so that the quality of the work won’t compromise. Thus, the proper task management software including time tracking, checklist, reminder sending, job status, and other similar kinds of features are required. Without the proper task management system, finance and accounting outsourcing services can’t be accurately provided.

Uku is a cloud-based accounting manager software that contains all the management tools to effectively run accounting business operations. It is designed with plenty of good management features such as tracking to assigning tasks with descriptions and checklists between colleagues.

Schedule Tools –

In the work from home setup, it is important to have scheduling software that can keep all your accountants informed about the upcoming important meetings with clients. With the scheduling software, you can make schedules of your accountants and set deadlines to complete projects so that your clients won’t suffer latency due to the new work setup.

Calendly is one of the simplest scheduling tools that can easily schedule meetings with clients, set webinar dates, and fix meeting schedules with colleagues. You can invite a large number of accountants and business associates to schedule meetings using this software.

Document Collaboration Tools –

When accountants are working from their home, then they won’t immediately get assistance from their seniors in case of requirement. Moreover, they also face the problem of sharing information with their colleagues to get their input. That’s why document collaboration tools are highly important for accountants so they can easily share documents with their colleagues. The document sharing software is also essential when two accountants have to work together on one project.

Dropbox is one of the leading document collaboration tools for accounting businesses. It allows users to save files on cloud storage that can be further accessed by anyone with permission. All the files which are shared across Dropbox can be viewed on mobile as well as the desktop screen.

At CapActix, we have our own “CapDoc”. CapDoc works on the SAAS model that allows different roles to different users e.g. director, accountant, etc. where each user has different permission rights such as upload, delete, view, download, etc. for accessible files. Moreover, it also provides different access permissions to users so that users can only view and perform actions on permitted files and folders. users can be ranked according to hierarchy. It allows higher ranked users to check activity logs of lower-ranked users. It also provides a user-wise periodical activities report. CapDoc also allows users to manage multiple companies in a single login. All concerned users get an auto-notification from CapDoc for activities such as uploading, deleting, moving, or querying any document.

Video Conferencing Tools –

The video conferencing tools also fall under the category of communication tools. In the remote workflow, where accountants can’t physically meet their clients, in that case, video conferencing becomes very useful for them. Accountants can meet their clients face to face and understand their requirements better through their facial expressions. Moreover, accountants can communicate effectively with one another using video conferencing.

Skype is a well-known video conferencing software that enables accountants to interact face to face with their clients and colleagues. Apart from Skype, there are plenty of other video conferencing tools available such as Google Hangouts, Zoom, Go To Meeting, Facetimeetc.,

Social Media Management Tools –

When you are providing online accounting services, then you have to promote your business online also. You need to use digital marketing strategies to attract new clients towards your accounting firm. Posting on social media is one of the quickest and most effective ways to improve your business growth.

But, social media marketing is only useful when you are posting content consistently and at the right time on social media platforms. Thus, you need to use social media management tools to increase your social media presence. There are specific social media management tools like MeetEdgar that are available to help you out.

Gear Up With Tools

If you want to smoothly run operations of your accounting firms by closely managing your accountants, then you must have to introduce the right technology studded tools to them. With the right accounting tools, accountants can easily perform their duties while sitting at their own homes. Having adequate tools is the only way to successfully implement work from home systems in accounting services.

At CapActix, we have already equipped our accountants with the right tools to effectively work in the time of crisis. You can contact us anytime for efficient accounting services on email– or can call on the following numbers;

USA: +1 (201) 778-0509

East Africa: +256 705-255-673

India: +91 95744-40217

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Copyrights 2024 CapActix Business Solutions Pvt Ltd

Dinesh Suthar
Director – Digital Transformation

Dinesh Suthar
Director – Digital Transformation

Dinesh Suthar, a Fellow member of Chartered Accountants of India and commerce graduate, boasts a decade of industry experience in Tax and Finance roles. Having worked with Shell Oil and Amazon (India / UK), he successfully led numerous finance, audit, and tax process automation projects, resulting in significant time savings. Passionate about leveraging new technologies for business growth, he now spearheads CapActix’s Digital Transformation team, overseeing Finance Digitization and Tax Technologies initiatives.

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