Year-end Accounting Services Checklist That CPA Firms Should Always Keep Handy


Year-end Accounting Services Checklist That CPA Firms Should Always Keep Handy

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The business operation of an accounting firm is very complex and tiresome. A CPA firm has to work throughout the year to make sure that accounting books and reports of their clients are always up to date. It is a responsibility of an accounting company to ensure that the books of every client are closed properly at the end of the year without any glitch.

Year-end services are a very important part of an accounting company where they have to close the books of their clients and take forward the profit and loss of the current year to next year’s books. It is a very crucial period for any accounting firm because they have to offer the impeccable year-end accounting facilities to their clients. But, sometimes when several clients are large, then it gets very hard for CPA firms to deliver the precise services to every client.

So, if you are a giant accounting company in your area and you have multiple clients under your wings, then you have to provide the precise year end facilities to your every client. That’s why to provide impeccable service to your clients; you need to create a checklist for services that you are going to offer your clients.

Why Year-End Accounting Facilitates Are Important?

Before we help you out in creating the checklist of year-end facilities, we would like to draw your attention to the fact why you need to deliver these accounting services precisely. Every company has a responsibility towards its stakeholders and other third parties which are directly or indirectly related to the company. It is the responsibility of every organization to share their different financial reports like profit loss statement, revenue and expenditure account, balance sheet and others with their stakeholders at the end of the year.

Moreover, companies are liable for the government bodies and taxation authorities to submit their annual taxes that will be used for the betterment of the state. Apart from the corporate tax or income tax, companies have to pay multiple other trade taxes according to the state laws. To accomplish all these liabilities, accounting firms need to offer year-end facilities like finance and accounting outsourcing, payroll services, virtual CFO and much more.

Year-End Accounting Services Checklist

If you are a new accounting firm, then you need to precisely note down this checklist so that you won’t miss out any year-end facilities to offer your clients –

Analysis of Accounting Books of Your Clients

Year-end is a very important period so you need to go through the accounting books of your clients and make sure that all the books are updated. You have to appoint your staff members on checking the books of your every client to ensure that no entry is missing or there isn’t any red flag present in the financial accounts. To analyze the accounting books, you need to reconcile the bank and credit card statements of your clients.

For example, if your client pays $700 per month as office rent, but your rent expense account only shows $2,100, then this is a red flag which will create a huge difference in the balance sheet. It is your responsibility and number one year-end priority to make sure that all the entries are perfectly entered and reconciled with bank statements.

Manage Cash Flow

Accounting firms need to properly maintain the cash flow statement and bank statement of their clients so that they can be reconciled with accounts later on. If you don’t have the current cash and bank statement of your client, then you should immediately contact your client before the year-end and get all the essential documents asap.

Payroll Management

The next point in the checklist of accounting firms needs to manage the payroll account of the company. Under this head, CPA firms need to go through different factors like income of outsourced employees, payment for employee’s insurance schemes, or any other employee expenditure.

Informing About Tax Paying Deadlines

Okay, when a business organization appoints an accounting firm to handle their financial matters, then they don’t want to worry about upcoming tax-paying deadlines. It is the responsibility of the accounting company to inform their clients about the taxpaying deadlines and help them in filing returns of the year.

Share Tax Paying Strategies

Your client wants you to offer them personalized tax-paying strategies so that their due taxable amount can be reduced. It is the responsibility of CPAs to do their homework and find different heads under which their clients can reduce their taxable income. For this, accounting companies need to constantly communicate with their clients and share different strategies with them so that they can minimize the taxable income of their clients as much as possible.

Awareness of the Latest Legal Trends

It should be on the top priority list of an accountant to know about all the latest legal reforms. Apart from having the local legal reforms knowledge, it is also the responsibility of CPAs to know about the foreign legal reforms as well.

Timely Financial Information

Provide timely financial information to assist the business owner with pricing and understanding how much profit is being generated for each major business line or product line is the main part of the year-end checklist. Accounting firms need to be ready to provide information on the topics as well – revenue targets, profit targets, ROI and other key financial ratio targets.


Year-end accounting services are very important and CPA firms need to offer the perfect services to their clients and for this, they have to follow the checklist created by us. That’s because if they are not able to provide the best financial services to their clients, then this will damage their reputation pretty badly and for accounting firms having a good reputation is very important.

With the assistant of remote teams, accounting firms will be able to deliver the year-end services very easily and perfectly. So, if you are looking for the remote staffing team to help you out in managing your year-end workload, then you can contact CapActix at email – or can calling on +201-778-0509.

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Copyrights 2024 CapActix Business Solutions Pvt Ltd

Dinesh Suthar
Director – Digital Transformation

Dinesh Suthar
Director – Digital Transformation

Dinesh Suthar, a Fellow member of Chartered Accountants of India and commerce graduate, boasts a decade of industry experience in Tax and Finance roles. Having worked with Shell Oil and Amazon (India / UK), he successfully led numerous finance, audit, and tax process automation projects, resulting in significant time savings. Passionate about leveraging new technologies for business growth, he now spearheads CapActix’s Digital Transformation team, overseeing Finance Digitization and Tax Technologies initiatives.

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